Our Dealer Partner Commitment
Seed & Forage Bags Australia offers its dealer partners a supportive team approach.
We understand that the growth of your company is imperative for the growth of ours - the following sales & marketing support is available to help you to promote the products and build your customer relationships:
•Our website www.seedforagebags.com.au
•Contains factsheets, videos, Instruction Manuals, Dealer Listings/Promotions, Field Day/Demo Day/Event Details, Newsletters
•Social Media promotion
•Agricultural sales portal subscriptions –www.farmmachinerysales.com.au, www.farmclearingsales.com.au
•Flickr Google Image Library for dealers to use in marketing materials
•Print & web advertisement design support
•Editorial/journalist briefing notes
•Field Days & Demonstration Day events
•Dealer onsite Product Training Days
•Internet metatags for products – makes our company and products appear higher in search engine listings. Our website appears first, or in the top three listings for all our products.
Developing our Relationship
Terms and Conditions
Plans for the Future & Opportunities