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Silobolsa\Fieldpak Plastar Premium Grain Bags
Grain Bags
Articles about Grain Storage Bags - Click below:
"Popularity of Grain Storage Bags Heats Up" - CSIRO 2006
"Grower opts for grain bags" - Stock Journal 2008
The Silobolsa\Fieldpak Plastar Premium Grain Bags are imported from Argentina and have been quality designed for durability and long-term grain storage in Australian weather conditions.
60 metre x 9ft grain bag holds 200 tonnes
75 metre x 9ft grain bag holds 260 tonnes
100 metre x 9ft gran bag holds 130 tonnes
150 metre x 9ft grain bag holds 550 tonnes
75 metre x 10ft grain bag holds 345 tonnes
100 metre x 10ft grain bag holds 460 tonnes
The bag is quality made from a laminated mix of three layers of polyethylene to a thickness of 250 microns and is Quality Certification Standard ISO 9001.
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